I couldn't tell you exactly why, but I feel like I've been raging a bit lately- maybe not outwardly, but under the surface. I noticed the frequent #*@!& moments and sheer frustration, and it has been so difficult to focus. Maybe it is because of the unrealistic expectation of 16 papers due by Tuesday that I really don't want to do.
I have so many other things on my mind, like sorting through things to move, selling my car, visiting Jon next week and the financial challenges that come with being alive...not to mention grieving.
Now, I've been the queen of knowing when to cut my losses. I learned that from college. The problem with what I'm dealing with right now is my priorities are all confused. When I am hurting or experiencing change, I've found that I sometimes have to do what is good for me, so I can simply function and remain healthy. For me that usually entails dropping everything, and just breaking away from duties. I like going for a drive, painting, playing guitar, singing or hanging out with friends. I haven't done much of that lately.
Maybe that is the source of my frustration. Either way, I need an outlet. I need to figure out what's most important.
Great post. I will read your posts frequently. Added you to the RSS reader.