Tuesday, December 2, 2014

You Know Me

I want it. You probably want it too- to be seen. To be known. Personally and Intimately. Unfortunately, so many times we live out our days letting few people "in" to a place where they can get to know us. So many days we don't spend enough time really getting to know ourselves. 

Oh, to be known! How many times has someone observed your life and simply stated some fact about you that is a part of your likes, character or DNA? I know I have. All I can say when this happens is "Hey! You know me!" I can't tell you how much being known warms my heart. I spent far too many years of my life being misunderstood by those around me. There was a time when I didn't know how to maneuver through being fully myself while keeping my heart open long enough to let others in. That was a lonely and confusing place to be. 

I was sitting in my office this evening, and my heart was heavy. There were innumerable things on my mind. Burdens on my shoulders that I wasn't meant to carry. I was ready to dismiss myself into a closet and unleash my feelings on canvas when my husband began to linger around. He doesn't usually do this, and it was way past his bedtime. His mannerisms offered that I take on his pace. He bought us matching hoodies. He gave me his strawberry shake to try. He got a dry erase marker and urged me to join him in writing down our dreams and goals. He embraced me and just let me take him in. His love talked down my walls and completely disarmed the chaos I was feeling inside. Now I felt free to write, free to rest and free to think. His actions proved that he knew me. He knew just what my heart needed and met me where I was. Amazing. 

How much more does the Father know us? The One who created us with His hands. The One who breathed life into our lungs. The one who ordained our very days before they came to be. Such intentionality. Such great love. This "knowing" trumps all of our fears because we are safe in His arms. This "knowing" gives us a safe place to rest in the chaos of life because in His care we can be confident that every single need we have will be supplied. What great love. Nothing is hidden from His sight. Beautiful. Unconditional love lavished upon us even though He knows the most intimate details of our lives. 

If you feel misunderstood, alone or ignored know that God knows you! He hears every unspoken prayer, adores every facet of who you are and will always choose you. Remember that truth this week. Let His love change everything.



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