Humanity is so oft gripped, and overcome by fear. These fears so easily prevent us from becoming and accomplishing all that we were born for. Too often, we live lives as shadows of what we could be, all the while longing for greatness that seems to never come into the clutches of our grasp… because of fear.
Now, not all fears are irrational. We come to know fear because of experiences that shape who we are and how we see everything around us. The irrationality of fear is recognized when we come to understand our true worth, potential and destiny. Your greatness, when realized, trumps all fear, making it null and void.
Within us all can be birthed or is already present a fledgling desire to thrive. Unless snuffed out or suffocated, there is also a desire to overcome… a desire to attain predestined greatness. If fear continues to rule a life, the potential of greatness inside a soul will scream to be realized everyday of your life until it is active.
The duty that you owe to yourself and to humanity is to face and eradicate your own fears so that you are able to freely walk and thrive in the greatness of your destiny. It is not your duty to emulate the destinies of others. YOUR personal purpose was meant to be attained so that God can use your life to bless the world.
Face your fears. Kill your fears. Chase your destiny. Change the world.
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