Do you ever get that feeling when you know something big is about to happen? Through all the ups and downs of life, many of us hold on to this hope... a faith that things will be better- much better than they were before? Well, I've been having a little of that feeling lately. As you know, change never comes without the loss of something important to some degree.
Last week, I found out that I am moving to Las Vegas. That's pretty cool, I guess. I mean, I 've never been there before, and the only definitive picture of the place that I have in my head is a hot sandy desert with a strip in the middle... and an airforce base somewhere nerby. There will be a lot of changes there for me, and right now I'm in that "hurry up and wait" stage of moving. In the meantime, I will have to be separated from Jon again! For about 5 months while he trains for his new job.
Although it will be tough, I'm pretty excited to go, and I definitely feel a change inside of me. I'm not the same as I was when I left Minneapolis. I've grown a bit- no matter how short of a time I've been away. I've acquired some very valuable friendships. I don't regret a minute of my time here... and now all I can do is continue to feel the anticipation- and the pangs of change.
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