So, I'm sitting here with my gym clothes on trying to figure out what work out to do today.
A friend of mine suggested going on women's health to see if they have any good workouts to choose.
I'm telling you the truth: I was on there for less than twenty minutes and my self- concept is falling through the floor.
Its tough being a part of society today, where views of beauty are so different from what God has in mind. Although it is important to eat and live in a healthy manner, I can't help but think that the methods that you choose to maintain your health should NOT make you feel bad about how you look. So much of the issue stems from media portrayals of beautiful women with rock hard abs, and long flowing hair. Many of whom never had children or battled cellulite. I am more motivated when I see a woman who has been where I am and achieved great results. That's why I really enjoy the Biggest Loser, because real people work hard- not to look like supermodels, but because they come to a realization that life is fleeting, and it will fleet even sooner if they don't become healthy. They do it correctly, without steroids or plastic surgery. I believe that this is very honorable.
So what's wrong with exercising not to lose weight? What if I like my love handles? I often say my winter fat keeps me warm:-) God never said dwell upon the earth and kill yourself to get skinny. He did say to take care of my body as it is a temple, but most importantly that I am Fearfully and Wonderfully made... JUST THE WAY THAT I AM!
So will the media ever wise up and stop promoting what makes those who are not the societal standard of beauty second guess their God given gorgeousness? Maybe not in America, but like the Dove Campaign, some organizations are taking steps to traverse the long road of re-defining true beauty. I think I'm gonna get on the band-wagon. :-)